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Featured Author

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- Whit T. Humour, Author / Speaker

Whit T. Humour has always been a curious fellow with a positive outlook on life.

As a father of two children of his own, he loved creating adventurous bedtime stories for them.

Although being positive in negative situations can be difficult, Whit says, “It is still easier than being an alligator trainer or lion tamer”.

With his two grown cubs now out on their own Whit enjoys the simpler and sillier things in life.

With a name like Whit T. Humour he was destined to be silly and make people smile!

Whit’s magnificent tales of adventure help to spur children’s imaginations and offer teaching moments that can impact a life forever!

Whit's latest release is titled "The Great Unknown Monster". It is a story about overcoming the fear of the unknown. In this story the main character learns that she can tame the unknown monsters in her life and discover once again that life can be full of color!

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